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„Dear friends, dear comrades,
We are very pleased to invite you to our upcoming panel discussion on the occasion of our second anniversary.
On 22 September 2023, we have invited a very interesting panel of guests who will share their experiences and insights from different perspectives. They have all directly experienced the effects of state repression and will provide us with profound insights and discuss them with us.
We are pleased to introduce our guests for the panel:
🎤 Ulrich von Klinggräff:
Defence lawyer of Lina E. from Leipzig in the so-called Antifa East trial. With his many years of experience in the field of repression against anti-fascists, the lawyer from Berlin will give us a first-hand account of the trial and shed light on the legal aspects of state repression.
🎤Svenja Huck:
Freelance journalist and historian with expertise in labour struggles and political opposition. She has reported extensively on the trial of the anti-fascist Adel and will present us with her findings on state repression and the media’s handling of it.
🎤 Ferat Koçak: politician and activist, anti-fascist spokesperson for the Left Party Neukölln in the Berlin House of Representatives. He was the victim of a right-wing extremist arson attack. As a witness in the trial against the neo-Nazis involved and as a deputy member of the committee of enquiry on the Neukölln complex, he will explain to us his view of things from the parliamentary and activist perspective.
🎤 Eda Deniz Haydaroglu:
Anti-fascist and activist, organised at Avrupa Dev-Genç. She is currently on hunger strike to protest the imprisonment of three Turkish anti-fascists. They are accused of being members of a foreign terrorist organisation under §129b StGB.
Place & time will be announced in time
(We are currently working on providing the panel in English)
We look forward to seeing you ❤️🔥

„Dear friends, dear comrades,
We are very happy to present you our great Line Up for 23.09.2023!
In a gesture of solidarity, a variety of artists and bands from Germany, Italy and France have shown their willingness to stand together on stage to give a voice to anti-fascists affected by repression. These acts come from a variety of backgrounds, both musically and politically.
What makes this gathering special is the diversity of the participating artists. Each of them may represent a different style, but they all share a determination to stand up for antifascism.
We thank all the artists for agreeing to participate and wish you much love! 🫶
Rap Caverna Posse
San Drino of SBFamilia
Lena Stoehrfaktor
Riot Spears
(Grunge,Angry Pop,Berlin)“